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How to Learn Music Production for FREE


In this video post, we explore how to learn music production for free. Yes, absolutely FREE! Are you an aspiring music producer but don’t want to spend thousands on learning how to produce music? Or are you wanting to learn music production but have no idea where to begin?

The music industry is overwhelming, so why not simplify your music production experience?

The good news is… you’re in the right place! So, here’s how you can learn music production for free…

I Didn’t Know Shit About Music Production, Until…

Three years ago, I didn’t know a damn thing about producing music. In fact, I didn’t even know what a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) was. And now, I have over 20 released songs and more than 65 curated playlists on Spotify and YouTube.

None of this would have been possible without the free music production courses from Berklee College of Music on Coursera.

Coursera – A Game-changing Website Offering FREE College Courses

If you haven’t heard of Coursera, you NEED to know. Coursera is a website offering a massive amount of free courses from renowned colleges around the world.

Some of the colleges include Yale, Harvard, Nanyang, Nanjing, University of Edinburgh, University of Melbourne, University of Alberta, Princeton, Duke, UNC, Tufts, and Stanford.

The courses I completed were all part of 2 separate specializations. On Coursera, a specialization is a collection of courses (usually between 3 and 5). And each specialization is designed to make you proficient enough to effectively begin a new hobby, get a promotion, or even switch career paths.

Meet Berklee – The World’s Largest College of Music

Berklee College is the largest and most respected college of music in the world. Many of their graduates have won multiple Grammys and have worked with the biggest artists in the music industry. So you know you’re going to learn from the best in the business.

These are the 2 specializations I completed and recommend starting your music production journey:

Music Production Specialization

Electronic Music Production Specialization

The Secret to Getting these Specializations and Courses for Free

In order to have free access to all courses in any specialization on Coursera, you have to enroll in each course in the specialization individually. Then click on audit the course. This gives you free access to all course materials except for the tests and certification.

Because let’s face it, tests are outdated and certificates are not needed once you have the knowledge. If you want the tests and certification, you can always get a monthly subscription to Coursera. But I like free. And I think most people do too!

If you have any issues or questions, please comment and I’ll be happy to help.

If you found value from this video post, please subscribe and share.

And comment if you’re ready to learn music production for free!


Attention Aspiring Music Producers, Independent Musicians, and Singer-Songwriters

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