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Wait by Natalie Nokomis – The Story Behind the Music

Natalie Nokomis Wait produced by cosmicus

If you stumbled upon Wait by Natalie Nokimis and wondered about the story behind the song, you’ve landed in the right place. Here’s how Wait by Natalie Nokomis came into existence…

How it all Started

It was the end of the 2019 holiday season on a cabin trip to the Appalachian Mountains. At about 2am on a late December morning, the beat for Wait by Natalie Nokomis was created.

Cosmicus, husband and producer for Natalie Nokomis, became creatively inspired after an early morning magical Indica session. He started playing the Kalimba that was sitting on a creativity shelf in the cabin. After 20 minutes of annoying Natalie with the random sounds he was playing on the Kalimba, he started having ideas for song beats pop up in his head. Beats were literally pouring in, one after the other – almost like they were being downloaded from the Universe!

At this point in time, Cosmicus and Natalie Nokomis didn’t exist. There was no studio, no DAW, and no music. They were just working their 9 to 5 jobs with no music hobby (or any other hobbies for that matter). That said, to capture some of these beats, Cosmicus reached for his cell phone and started recording them in his audio recorder app. He recorded a handful of beats (around 10), but the one that stuck out the most was the one used for wait.

Learn How to Produce Music and Build a Bedroom Studio

Cosmicus knew nothing about producing music. He just thought that these beats would make great songs. So, he kept them on his phone. Fast forward a little over a year to early 2021, and covid hit! Cosmicus was forced to go on a quarantined furlough from his 9 to 5. Natalie worked as an “essential worker” at a grocery store, so she didn’t have the same time off.

Since most everything was closed during this time, Cosmicus became insanely bored, which forced him to completely reevaluate his life – like many people during covid lock-down. He discovered that there is more to life than work, sleep, repeat. So, he decided to take up music production as a hobby.

He used both furlough government checks to buy all the equipment needed to build his bedroom studio. Then he took some free Berklee College of Music online courses on Coursera. The minimal studio equipment and free courses were enough to empower him to get started with making music.

Going Through the Motions, Slowly

The first several beats Cosmicus made were terrible. They sounded like shit and were embarrassing. But since he had all this time off, he practiced every day for hours during his furlough. Scrolling through his phone, he remembered he had recorded that special beat idea at the cabin. So he imported it into his DAW (Ableton Live).

From the wait beat idea, Cosmicus started building a song, one track at a time. He started with the kicks, then added the snares, hi-hats…etc. He built up the song to have a basic beat layout that matched what he recorded in his head.

Covid restrictions were lifted, his furlough ended, and Cosmicus returned to his 9 to 5. The song, as it was, sat untouched for many months. In fact, it sat until well after Natalie and Cosmicus moved from Florida to North Carolina in 2021. In early 2022, when Natalie decided she wanted to be involved with creating the song.

Natalie and Cosmicus work Together, Well, Sort of…

They sat together in their bedroom studio and co-created. Natalie helped bridge the song by adding her violin MIDI recording to the verse section.

Then Cosmicus started adding unique and creepy elements one-by-one to give the song kind of a Timbaland/Missy Elliott 90s vibe. At this point, the song structure, beginning to end, was complete. And the best part is that we created the whole song entirely from scratch – all organically hand-written in. They used no loops, clips, or samples!

Now they just needed vocals. But Natalie wasn’t ready. So, the song sat untouched again for months. Sigh…

Natalie and Cosmicus Finally Collaborate!

It wasn’t until January of 2023 that Natalie was ready to sing. So Cosmicus started recording her vocals! They recorded both verses and the bridge within a 2-month period. But for the life of them, they couldn’t nail down the chorus. They tried over and over and over, but no success. Natalie wasn’t happy with the way it sounded, so she changed it completely.

It was worse!  They literally recorded hundreds of takes and they all sucked. They gave up and the song sat (again) untouched for months.

During this time, Cosmicus composed, produced, and released his debut single, Drop It, and several other singles. Natalie was featured on the second single released by Cosmicus, called StarDust. That was the first released song Natalie ever had vocals on.

They didn’t reconvene in the studio until after Natalie took a trip to the magical black sand beaches of Hawaii’s Big Island. She came back inspired with the soul and energy of the island. It was early June of 2023, and she was ready to let it all out! It took several more takes, but they finally nailed it! Natalie went with the original chorus, but this time she tapped into her essence to get it done.

Wait by Natalie Nokomis – A Masterpiece Debut Single!

This unique song tells a highly relatable love story. Natalie engages the listener right from the first word she sings. And she takes the listener on an emotional journey through the ups and downs of common relationship drama.

Wait has an interesting energy and feel to it. It’s seductively soothing, yet mysteriously haunting. During the duration of the song, the listener can feel the emotions conveyed by Natalie. And most people can relate to the relationship roller-coaster ride.

Wait is a genre-defying song, but is most aligned with R&B/Pop with a drop of hip-hop. It was inspired by 90s R&B/Hip-Hop, so it has a throwback feel to it.

Although this song took almost 4 years from concept to completion, it was well worth the wait. Pun intended.

Wait by Natalie Nokomis is, without a doubt, a masterpiece debut single!

Stream Wait on any music platform:

Cosmicus - YouTube Music


or download it here.

Natalie Nokomis Wait produced by cosmicus









Natalie Nokomis Wait - the Remix with Cosmicus










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